Bus 360 - Global Business Strategies

Assignment 1 – Globalization and Culture
UNESCO Global Policy Forum on Globalization and Culture


Value:   4% of your final grade

Due:      Week 3 to D2L dropbox by start of class (see course schedule)



This assignment provides an opportunity to learn more about globalization and culture.


  1. Report (individual): Two-page single spaced research report with citations and references.
  2. Networking (group):10 – 15 minutes in class
  3. Forum Discussion(group): 10 – 15 minutes and debrief in class


As shown above, this assignment includes an individual and a group component. Here’s what’s involved…

Each person will play the role of a member from a country from the area of the world for which you’ve signed up.  Sign-up sheet is on page 3. You will represent that country and reflect the country’s values, manners, customs, religion, education, personal communication style and anything else, which signifies culture.Take a look at these two websites for cultural information and country insights:

  1. http://www.intercultures.ca/cil-cai/countryinsights-apercuspays-eng.asp Select a country for details.
  2. http://globaledge.msu.edu/global-insightsSearch this site by using terms business etiquette and also business etiquette around the world.
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 Report (Individual preparation before class).  Write a two-page single spaced research report with citations and references.  Answer the questions shown below. Include a minimum of 3 – 5 references.  Wiki is not included in the 3- 5 references.Submit your report to the D2L dropbox on week 3 by the start of class.


  1. Go to UNDP and find your country’s ranking on the UNDP INDEX scale. http://hdr.undp.org/en/countries
  2. Take a look at the following link on Uganda National Cultural Policy, and notice what Uganda is doing to preserve culture. 


  1. For your country, identify a response to each of the following questions
    • Identify 3 – 5 consequences of globalization on culture and values for your country.
    • Identify 3 – 5 benefits of globalization on culture and values for your country.
  • What are five policies proposed by your country that would preserve culture and values in relation to development? Examples could include policies on proprietary rights (copyright law), indigenous language preservation, education, museums, etc.).

Networking(In class)

Before the Forum Discussion, a 10 – 15 minute networking activity will take place where each class member will play the role of the representative of their selected country.  Each person will choose a first name, which reflects a typical first name of a person from the country. FIRST names and selected country names will be identified on a nametag which will be worn by each person.

 Forum Discussion(In class)


“The importance of culture in our lives has grown immensely during the twentieth century, as those lives themselves have changed. A large part of the change has itself been driven by the economic exploitation of culture and its products: film, radio, television and, most recently, digital.”  (UNESCO)


Globalization increases the availability of foreign made products, as well globalization exposes everyone to other cultures via the media.  The exposure to products and media brings changes to local culture and values. “…Projects should be grounded in existing situations and the concrete realities of the community concerned and that development should become synonymous with partnership.” (UNESCO)

What to Discuss:

You are a group representing selected countries, and are meeting to examine the issues of globalization, culture and development.  In these small working groups, please discuss the questions below, negotiate and agree upon recommendations, and be prepared to present to the UNESCO Director General. 


Keep in mind you are representing your country.  You have been selected to reflect on the following questions and to report to the joint UNESCO-UNDP project with recommendations to assist countries as they develop their own national policies on culture in view of foreign investment and development.  The policy for each country could be reflected in the areas of economics, education, culture, foreign affairs, industry and trade, tourism, etc.


  1. Identify the consequences of globalization on culture and values for your group of countries.
  2. Identify the benefits of globalization on culture and values for your group of countries
  3. Develop five“common” recommendations to the Director General which can be used by your countries as they develop policies to preserve culture and values as the country becomes more developed (based on the results of your discussion).**

**Examples could include policies on proprietary rights (copyright law), indigenous language preservation, education, museums, etc.).


Take a look at this link on areas where culture should be recognized in view of development.


The below answer has been copied by other students. If you need an original paper, check out our business assignment writing service, where we write different types of assignments for students at different academic levels. 


Running Head: GLOBAL BUSINESS 1  

Global Business Strategies  

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Global Business Strategies  

The last century has witnessed increased levels of both economic and cultural  globalization across the world. The increased connectivity between the world’s economies has  substantially contributed to this surge. The developments in transportation, such as ships and  trains, and the developments in telecommunications, such as the Internet, have increased  interdependence between countries. Globalization has affected the Brazilian culture and values  both positively and negatively. Nonetheless, there is need to develop policies that promote  preservation of the Brazilian culture too avert its erosion.  

Consequences of Globalization  

Globalization has led to increased levels of crime in Brazil. The income disparities,  which have resulted from globalization, mean that some people can barely afford their basic  needs (Branco & Williams, 2010). In some nations, the entire population benefits from  globalization. In others, only a small percentage of the population enjoys globalization benefits,  while the rest live in poverty. In Brazil, the rich have continued becoming richer, while the poor  have continued becoming poorer (Branco & Williams, 2010). Thus, the income difference  between the rich and the poor has increased. Therefore, it can be argued that globalization has  resulted in proliferation of crime levels in Brazil, portraying a loss in moral values.  

Other than the rise in income differences, globalization has encouraged consumerism in  Brazil. With consumerism, individuals are attracted to beautiful products (Branco & Williams,  2010). Misleading advertisements by multinational corporations also produce consumerism.  People, therefore, will tend to do anything to afford these goods (Hauge & Magnusson, 2012).  The people will engage even in illegal activities such as corruption and other social misdeeds. Therefore, it can be argued that globalization has resulted in the loss of values in Brazil, since it  encourages negative consumerism.  

In addition, globalization has led to cultural homogenization in Brazil. Every society has  its unique culture and beliefs. Brazil, which is considered as a developing nation is not an  exception. However, because of globalization, the cultural practices of the developing countries  are eroded, and these nations are obligated to adopt the norms and values of the developed  countries (Hauge & Magnusson, 2012). In Brazil, the society has adopted norms and values that  are associated with the Western countries or the developed countries. This is evident through the  changes in their dressing culture, the film industry, as well as the sporting sphere (Hauge &  Magnusson, 2012). Therefore, one can argue that globalization has resulted in cultural  homogenization in Brazil.  

Benefits of Globalization  

Globalization has also been beneficial to the Brazilian culture and values. One of these  advantages is better communication and transportation. Traditionally, Brazilians have been very  social in all aspects of their life (Branco & Williams, 2010). Therefore, communication and  infrastructure play a critical role in their society and culture since they encourage interaction  (Samuel & Bishop, 2015). Therefore, it can be seen that the developments in communication and  transportation, which are key components in globalization, have tremendously benefited the  Brazilian culture.  

In addition, globalization has been critical in alleviating poverty, which affects most  developing countries. Poverty is a leading cause of many social evils such as crime, corruption,  homicide, and suicide (Hauge & Magnusson, 2012). Multiple multinationals operate in Brazil.  These corporations employ scores of Brazilians, thus assist in the alleviation of poverty. Besides, 

Brazil is one of the leading exporters of sugar in the world (Samuel & Bishop, 2015). The  proceeds from the sugar and other agricultural products export have highly benefited the  Brazilian economy. Thus, globalization plays a critical part in alleviating poverty Brazil.  

Apart from poverty alleviation, globalization is crucial for the preservation of the  Brazilian culture. Brazil is one of the leading tourist destinations in the world (Samuel & Bishop,  2015). As such, various national monuments have been preserved for the sake of encouraging  tourism. Besides, some of the tourists are only interested in experiencing the cultural aspects of  the Brazilian society. This has contributed to the preservation of some of the elements in the  Brazilian culture since it generates income to some of the nationals (Hauge & Magnusson, 2012).  Besides, the Brazilian government has constructed various museums, aiming at attracting more  visitors, while preserving elements of the Brazilian culture as well (Branco & Williams, 2010).  Therefore, it can be argued that globalization is a major contributor to the preservation of the  Brazilian social values and norms.  

Policies to Preserve Brazil’s Culture and Values  

Corporations and governments have increasing appreciated the importance of culture in  any economy. Therefore, it is important that policies and legislations that are geared towards the  preservation and promotion of culture be developed.  

Developing Policies that Encourage Cultural Tourism  

Cultural tourism is necessary for the preservation of a nation’s culture. Individuals incline  to preserve their culture when they realize that other people appreciate their culture (Rudra,  2008). Besides, there will be financial rewards for practicing the Brazilian culture (Hauge &  Magnusson, 2012). Therefore, it is imperative that policies that encourage cultural tourism to be  developed with the aim of preserving culture and values. 

Learning of Indigenous Language  

Language is one of the main elements of culture. However, under globalization, people  have forfeited most of the indigenous languages, preferring other languages such as English and  Portuguese (Rudra, 2008). Therefore, it is important to develop policy frameworks that  encourage the teaching of indigenous languages in schools and other learning institutions.  Construction of Cultural Museums and Cultural Centers  

Museums are critical in the preservation of culture and values, in that important cultural  items are preserved in them (Rudra, 2008). Therefore, there is a need that more museums, which  are biased towards the cultural aspects of the Brazilian society, are developed. These museums  will also attract tourists with the realized revenues being channeled towards the preservation of  the Brazilian culture.  

Promotion of Performing Arts  

Performing arts can be used for the transmission of culture and values in Brazil.  However, there is little support from the Brazilian government and private sector to the field of  performing arts (Hauge & Magnusson, 2012). Therefore, it is important that policies that  encourage the performing arts to be developed and enforced. These could include funding from  the central government.  

Promotion of Indigenous Sports  

The Brazilian society has neglected its indigenous sporting activities, while adopting  international sports, such as soccer and motor racing (Branco & Williams, 2010). While these  sports are important for generating income, it is important that indigenous Brazilian sports be  recognized. Further, the government should offer aid to the establishments that practice these  traditional sporting activities. Thus, policies that may encourage Brazil’s traditional sports should be developed. These may include the provision of incentives, and even national  competitions in these sports.  

Globalization, which involves interdependence among nations, has both positive and  negative impacts on Brazil’s culture and values. It has led to increased crime levels, a rise in  income gaps between the rich and the poor, as well as homogenization of the Brazilian culture  and values. On the other hand, globalization has promoted Brazil’s culture and values through  poverty alleviation, improvement in telecommunications and transport for interaction, and  through preservation of culture for tourism. Nonetheless, there is a need that policies that support  the protection and conservation of Brazilian culture are developed. These policies include  supporting cultural tourism, learning of indigenous languages, the establishment of cultural  museums and centers, as well as promotion of native sports and performing arts. 


Branco, S., & Williams, R. (2010). Brazil. London: Kuperard.  

Hauge, G. M. H., & Magnusson, M. T. (2012). Globalization in Brazil.  

Samuel, M., & Bishop-Sanchez, K. (2015). Performing Brazil: Essays on culture, identity, and  the performing arts.  

Rudra, N. (2008). Globalization and the Race to the Bottom in Developing Countries. Cambridge  University Press. 

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